“Honey, I shrunk my rewards”

Ali (رضى الله عنه) narrates, “Once we were in the company of Nabi (صلى الله عليه و سلم) when he asked, ‘What is the best for women?’. All the Sahabah remained silent. When I returned to Fathima (رضى الله عنها), I said to her, ‘What is the best for women?’. She replied, ‘They should not look at men nor should men look at them’. I mentioned this to Nabi (صلى الله عليه و سلم), who then exclaimed, ‘Fathima (رضى الله عنها) is part of me!'” [Ad Dār Qutni]
There are two aspects referred to above. #1- “They should not look at men..” which alludes to Haya. Haya means modesty. #2- “..Nor should men look at them” alluding to Hijab. Hijab means to cover. The two aspects are mentioned in one sentence, attributing to its interrelatedness and also telling us the cause of our problem. We have one thing covered (that PUN *mic drop*), but we’re missing a significant other. We wear hijab, but we don’t have haya. 
Nabi (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said: “Every Deen has an innate character. The character of Islam is Modesty.” [Abu Dawood]
*sips qahwa because I’m so Arabic (yes, Arabic)* 
I’m going to use the word Hijab very loosely here. Loosely because we have two interpretations of that word. One is the fullblown proper explanation and the other is a scarf. Yes, a scarf (That’s in italics. You know, for grammar purposes). 
Hijab isn’t only covering your hair. It’s an important part of it, but it isn’t the entire essence of it. On that note. That bit of hair artfully arranged to stick out the front of your scarf? Pardon me for the infringement (a masterful pun, if i do say so myself) of your privacy, but you’ll want to push that back in. Even your roots. Seal it all up, chica. One strand, even mistakenly showing, nullifies hijab.  
It’s like going out into the snow, kitted out in your thermal layer, fleece sweater and insulated jacket, donning a woolen hat, mittens and its matching scarf. And then you leave off your waterproof socks and snow boots because aren’t you wearing enough to be rid of the cold? WHAT’S THE USE? 
(Side note- I’ve been working on my analogies and I dearly hope it’s evident xD) 
You’ll be dressed modestly, but with that inch of hair showing, you’ve canceled your reward. You’re depriving yourself of the blessings that come with it. 
I’m going to repeat this for the people in the back. Hijab means to cover. The function of a fullstop is to denote the end of a sentence. Now, if I was going to add ‘your hair’, I would have added a comma. But I didn’t. Because that isn’t hijab. 
Hijab is your clothes covering your entire body, not showing the shape in any way. Nobody should be able to see through the material. The clothing should not resemble that of a man nor the disbelievers. It should not be attractive to men nor should the woman wear perfume that may attract attention. 
I was sitting in a halqah two months or so ago, and Apa mentioned that a non-muslim lady told her that the non-muslim men are leering, specifically, at the Muslim girls in ‘hijab’. Allahummah fazna! 
Hijab is within inverted comma’s (I feel like I’m taking this grammar thing too far) because we probably can’t call what we wear Hijab at all. Its purpose is to detract attention from ourselves. Not so that we can smuggle bombs into restroom (although let’s be honest, we’ve all used it as an accomplice for ~something~ before) but to save ourselves from the fitnah and fasaad that exists outside.  
Our Rasool (صلى الله عليه و سلم) told us to walk with our gaze lowered, to avoid standing somewhere in direct view of everybody. This is all part of Hijab! Haya and Hijab are a package deal. You can’t have one witout the other. 
If Allah has gifted you with the Hidayah to wear hijab, make shukr for that! You’ve been given the courage to openly declare yourself a proud Muslim, don’t let it go in vain. The jihad of a woman is protecting her honour and dignity. 
If you want the best of both worlds, you have to be the best in this world. We don’t wear Hijab because we find it uncomfortable. Rasoolullah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) saw, in Jahannum, a woman suspended by her hair with her brains boiling like a pot because of leaving her house with her hair uncovered. Do you think that might be uncomfortable as well?
I know. I know we say that when the time is right, we’ll wear it. But that’s not viable. We have to make the time right. How much longer do we have until the Day of Qiyamah? How many days of punishment can we take? Yallah, don’t do the deed if you can’t take the heat (all about that #ThugLife). 
Wearing a Hijab isn’t an indication of your piety. Don’t tell yourself that you shouldn’t wear it because it’s deceitful taking into consideration the sins that you commit. Hijab is compulsory. Reading your Nafl Salaah is a choice sure, but wearing Hijab isn’t. You have to do it. 
Remember, you take one step towards Allah, Allah takes ten steps towards you.

May Allah protect us all and grant us the ability to overcome our Nafs.

Love and Duas,

TWS ❤ 


  1. Lovely lesson n reminders on proper way of hijaab …n Love your analogies

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jazakallah Khair! 🌻 Barakallah. It’s one of those things I know I should stop doing because I’m terrible at them, but it’s so fun xD


  2. The snow one is actually really good 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, I’m particularly proud of that one so Jazakallah Khair! 😛


  3. Just popping by to say

    It makes for a very interesting read
    And JazakAllah for the thought provoking lessons and the insights 💕


    1. Aww! Barakallah ❤ Wa anti fa Jazakallah Khair 🌻


  4. sereneperceptions · · Reply

    You’ve written it so tactfully . A delightful read . May Allah swt grant us Hidayah 😃


    1. Jazakallah Khair! 🌻 Ameen, Ameen ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  5. lettersfromh · · Reply

    Interesting read…


    1. Jazakallah Khair! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Lovely post❤


    1. Jazakallah Khair! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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